Community Developement District Overview
The Spring Lake Community Development District (the “District”) is an independent local unit of, special-purpose government, created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. The District was established by Ordinance 07-01 adopted of the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida which became effective on January 25, 2007.
The District currently encompasses approximately three hundred and thirty-nine (338.93) acres of land located entirely within Hillsborough County, Florida. As a local unit of special-purpose government, the District provides an alternative means for planning, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining various public improvements and community facilities within its jurisdiction.
A District provides the “solution” to Florida’s need to provide valuable community infrastructure generated by growth, ultimately without overburdening other governments and their taxpaying residents. Community Development Districts represent a major advancement in Florida’s effort to manage its growth effectively and efficiently. This allows a community to establish higher construction standards, meanwhile providing a long-term solution to the operation and maintenance of the community’s facilities.
A Community Development District ("CDD") is a governmental system created to serve the long-term particular requirements of its community. Created pursuant to chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes, a CDD’s main powers are to strategy, finance, construct, run and keep community-wide infrastructure and services specifically for the benefit of its citizens.
Community Development District Organization
The Spring Lake Community Development District (the “District”) is organized like other local governments in Florida, in that the legislative body is composed of a five (5) member Board known as the Board of Supervisors (the “Board”). The Board establishes the policy of the District in accordance with Florida law. The Board, by law, must hire a District Manager and District Counsel. Staff members operate utilizing the same formalities as a County Administrator and County Attorney. The Board, through review of advertised Requests for Qualifications, ranks and selects a District Engineer to perform the engineering needs of the District. The District staff administers the operations of the District and implements the Board’s policies and contracts.
Board of Supervisors
A CDD is a unit of local government like a county or a city, although it does not have the regulatory powers of a county or city. CDDs are governed by a five (5) member Board of Supervisors, elected initially by teh CDD landowners on a one vote to one-acre basis. Commencing no sooner than six (6) years following creation of the CDD, and only after there are at least 250 qualified electors, Supervisors whose terms are expiring may be elected by qualified electors of the CDD. Like all municipal elections, the Office of the Supervisor of Elections oversees the vote.
CDD Supervisors are subject to the State of Florida ethics and financial disclosure laws. Board meetings are governed by the Florida “Sunshine” Amendment, and therefore, must be noticed in a local newspaper and conducted in a public forum. Subject to the requirements of the public records law, CDDs must make records available for public inspection during normal business hours. These requirements, as well as the governmental reporting and auditing requirements imposed on CDDs by law, ensure that CDDs are visible and accessible.
District Staff
District Manager: Halifax Solutions, LLC.
The District Manager acts as the “City Manager/County Administrator” of the District and works with the elected Board of Supervisors to serve the District and its residents. The direct responsibilities of the District Manager include the following but are not limited to: preserving and maintaining District improvements and facilities, overseeing and coordinating the planning, financing, purchasing, staffing, and compliance of the District, and any other such duties, as prescribed by the Board.
District Counsel: Kutak Rock, LLP
The District Counsel acts as the chief legal counsel to the District and is responsible for ensuring that the District conducts its business according to the legal standards placed upon it, both by the actions of the District, Board and Statute. In this capacity, the District Counsel reviews all District documents, including resolutions, contracts, and agreements, assists District Manager in drafting of same and negotiations on behave of the District. District Counsel ensures compliance with all necessary laws including the Sunshine Amendment, and assists with securing public financing.
District Engineer: Brletic Dvorak, Inc.
The District Engineer provides professional and technical services to the District to support the planning, design, permitting, construction, financing, and operation and maintenance of the District infrastructure. The District Engineer also provides the Engineer’s Report for bond financing, and can provide direct consultation for such items as: bidding, contractor selection standards, master planning of infrastructure and construction phase observation.